

Bylaws of the Vincennes University Support Staff Council


The name of the organization shall be the VINCENNES UNIVERSITY SUPPORT STAFF COUNCIL.


Purpose of the Vincennes University Support Staff Council

The purpose of the Vincennes University Support Staff Council (hereafter referred to as Council), authorized by the Board of Trustees of Vincennes University, is to render advice, make recommendations, and provide assistance to the University concerning matters that affect the general welfare, working conditions, and productivity of the represented staff.

  1. Goals of the Council
    1. To provide, through the Executive Committee, interaction of the Support Staff to the University Administration or their appointed representative(s),
    2. To work with the University Administration, or their appointed representatives(s) to upgrade the recognition, status, and image of employees represented by the Council,
    3. To work with the University Administration, or their appointed representative(s), to improve the quality of the work environment at the University,
    4. To formulate recommendations regarding compensation and employee welfare issues,
    5. To participate in the University governance process through the transmittal of support staff concerns to appropriate University committees, administrative committees, and any committee of the Board of Trustees, as deemed necessary,
    6. To call periodic meetings of all constituents when deemed necessary by the Council.



  1. Qualifications and Representation
    1. Any full-time permanent Support Staff employee, who has successfully completed a probationary period, shall be eligible for election to membership on the Council.
    2. Elections will be held every two years, unless membership requirements are not met. The election of officers will be held on a yearly basis.
    3. The Council shall have six voting groups hereinafter referred to as “member classification” and shall be comprised of the following elected members:

1 Secretarial/Clerical

1 Service/Maintenance

1 Technical/Paraprofessional

1 Skilled Craft

1 Jasper Campus

1 Indianapolis Area

5% of the total number of Support Staff employees “at large”

    1. Beginning July 1, 2003, and every two years thereafter, the Council President shall reevaluate the total number of “at large” members.
    2. All elected members are required to participate in all phases of Council business.
    3. The Vincennes University Support Staff Council may permit a member from the Faculty Senate/Professional Staff Congress to serve as an ex officio, non-voting capacity, dependent upon representation in the Faculty Senate/Professional Staff Congress by a Support Staff Council member.
    4. If a member of the Council transfers to a Faculty or Professional Staff position, the member would resign and the first alternate would assume the role and responsibility of the remaining term.
  1. Term of Council Membership
    1. Membership on the Council shall be for a two-year period according to a rotating system. Council members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. Eligibility for membership is reinstated after a two-year period.
    2. An alternate who assumes the role of representative will take office immediately and will serve the remaining term of the member he/she replaced and shall be eligible for re-electio to two full terms on Council.
    3. The membership term shall begin on the first day of July following election to the Council.


Election of Membership

  1. Voting Eligibility

Any Support Staff employee holding a regular full-time position, who has successfully completed a probationary period, shall have the right to vote in Council elections.

  1. Supervision of Election(s)
    1. Council elections shall be supervised by an Election Committee appointed by the President of the council from among the Council membership.
    2. The Election Committee shall prepare and submit ballots to all eligible employees to vote for one of each member classification and the “at large” members in accordance with the provisions outlined in Article III, A.
    3. Non-Council members under the supervision of the election committee will tally the votes.
  2. Election Procedures
    1. The Election Committee shall prepare and distribute a ballot to each eligible full-time Support Staff employee. The ballots shall be returned to the Election Committee within seven days of the date on the ballot. Elections will be completed and results reported at the regular June meeting of the Council and recorded in the June Council minutes.
    2. The individuals who are willing to serve, receiving the highest number of votes, in accordance with provisions outlined in Article III, A. , will be asked to serve as representatives to the Council.
    3. There will be a total number of six alternates elected on an “at large” basis. The Alternate receiving the highest number of votes will be regarded as the first alternate and the alternat ranking will proceed accordingly. Should an elected representative resign from the Council the first alternate would become the replacement for the Council member with full voting power with the same committee membership and term of office. The second alternate

would then become the first and each alternate would move up accordingly in the rank.

    1. In the event of a tie for any elected position or alternate, the tiebreaker will be determined by the first letter of the last name to appear first alphabetically.
    2. The Election Committee shall certify to the Council President in writing that the election was conducted in accordance with prescribed procedure.


Status of Membership

  1. Attendance
    1. It is the responsibility and requirement of each Support Staff employee elected to membership in the Council to attend the conduct of Council business, both in its meetings and in committee work.
    2. Each Council member is expected to serve on Council Committee(s) to which each is appointed.
  2. Removal of Members
    1. A member may be removed by the Council for failure to attend the business of the Council as required by these by-laws.
    2. A member may be removed by the represented member classification through recall.
    3. Any member who refuses to accept appointment to a committee may be subject to removal from the Council.
  3. Replacement of Members
    1. Council members who establish a pattern of three absences without notification to the Council will be listed as unexcused absences from official meetings and may be replaced upon recommendation of the Council President or the written request of at least one-third o the membership of the Council. Upon review and unanimous vote by the Executive Committee, and being satisfied that appropriate notification to those involved has been made, the Executive Committee shall declare the position vacant and the first alternate will become the regular member to the Council for the remainder of the term. If there is no alternate, an election will be held.
    2. Lack of a unanimous vote by the Executive Committee shall result in referral to the entire Council. A motion of two-thirds affirmative vote of the Council members present shall b required for removal of the member under consideration.
  4. Leave of Absence/Voluntary Resignation
    1. A Council member may request, outlining the reasons in writing to the President of the Council, a Leave of Absence/Voluntary Resignation from Council membership for a partia period of the member’s term.
    2. The President of the Council will present the request for Leave of Absence/Voluntary Resignation to the Executive Committee at its first meeting following receipt of the request Upon an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee, the Leave of Absence/Voluntary resignation shall be granted and the first alternate would assume the vacant position with voting power and same committee membership(s).
  5. Petition for Recall
    1. A member of the Council may be removed by a petition outlining the reasons for removal t the President of the Council by the member classification he/she is elected to represent through a petition for Recall. Such petition must contain the signatures of no less than two thirds of the member classification seeking recall.
    1. Upon receipt of the Petition for Recall, the President of the Council shall verify the validity of the signatures affixed to the petition and if the petition meets the requirements outlined above shall inform the affected member of the petition and of the removal from the Counci
    2. The affected member shall cease to be a member of the Council on the date the President o the Council determines that the signatures affixed to the petition are valid and the petition meets the requirements outlined above.



  1. Officers of the Council
    1. The officers of the Council shall be President, Vice President, Recorder, Treasurer, and Assistant Recorder. Officers of the Council must be members of the Council.
    2. Officers for the succeeding year shall be elected by vote at the regular meeting of Council be held in July of each year.  The retiring Chair of the Election Committee shall convene meeting and conduct the election.
    3. The officers shall serve for a term of one year, beginning in July following the election. Officers may be re-elected to serve for an additional one-year term.
  2. Duties of the Council President
    1. The President shall assume the duties of the Council Vice President in his/her absence.
    2. It shall be the duty of the Council President to preside at all Council meetings.
    3. It shall be the duty of the Council President to enforce all regulations and policies of the Council.
    4. It shall be the duty of the Council President to forward documents, decisions, and policy recommendations from the Council to the President and appropriate University Administration.
    5. The Council President, in consultation with other officers, shall appoint all members of the Council Standing Committees and representatives to University committees as required.
    6. The Council President shall chair the Executive Committee.
    7. The Council President shall call special meetings of the Council when deemed necessary.
    8. The Council President shall process grievances pertaining to the Support Staff Council as submitted by the Employee Relations Committee.
    9. All ruling by or actions of the President of the Council are subject to discussion by the Council and may be changed by a majority vote of the total membership of the Council.
    10. The Council President shall be responsible for reevaluating the total number of “at large” members every two –years prior to the election process.
    11. The Council President shall only vote on motions at the meeting in a tiebreaker capacity.
  3. Duties of the Vice President
    1. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the Council President in his/her absence.
    2. The Vice President shall coordinate the work of all Council committees.
    3. The Vice President shall chair the Agenda Committee.
    4. The Vice President shall update Support Staff member’s lists on a regular basis and provid revisions to the Chair of the Election Committee.
  4. Duties of the Recorder
    1. The Recorder shall assume the duties of the Assistant Recorder in his/her absence.
    2. The Recorder shall record all resolutions and proceedings of the meetings.
    3. The Recorder shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, a summary of Council meeting

minutes to Support Staff employees via e-mail and the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Vision. A copy of the minute of the monthly Council meetings shall be distributed to the University President, and upo request, to any other interested employees.

    1. The Recorder shall forward to the Archives of the Byron T. Lewis Historical Library minutes, any changes in the By-laws, and any other documents requested by the Executive Committee. This shall be done at the end of each Council year.
  1. Duties of the Treasurer
    1. The Treasurer will report balances of all accounts to the Council at each monthly meeting.
    2. The Treasurer will pay all bills as directed by the Executive Committee.
    3. The Treasurer will reconcile all statements of accounts.
    4. The Treasurer will prepare a year-end financial report of all accounts.
  2. Duties of the Assistant Recorder
    1. The Assistant Recorder shall assume the duties of the Recorder in his/her absence.
    2. The Assistant Recorder shall perform the correspondence duties of the Council.
    3. The Assistant Recorder shall issue all notices of Council meetings.
  3. Officer Vacancies

In case of an officer vacancy, members of the Council shall elect a replacement from the membership at the first regularly scheduled meeting following the vacancy. The person electe shall serve the remainder of the term.



  1. Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Council President, Vice President, Recorder, Treasurer, Assistant Recorder, and the Chairs of all the Council Committees. Th Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the Council President.
    2. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Council between regular Council meetings as necessary. The Executive Committee may not take any action which is contrary to prior actions of the Council.
    3. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the whole Council at its next regular meeting.
  2. Agenda Committee
    1. The Agenda Committee shall be comprised of the Council President, Vice President, Recorder, Treasurer, Assistant Recorder, and any Standing Committee Chair who has an item to present.
    2. The Agenda Committee shall meet ten days prior to the Council meeting upon the call of the Vice President, shall prepare the agenda for each meeting, and shall distribute five days prior to the monthly meeting a copy of the agenda with attachments to each Council member.
    3. Agenda items may be substituted for consideration to the appropriate Standing Committee Chair by Support Staff members, non-members, Administration, and Board of Trustee members. In the event any person is interested in addressing the council, he/she must request permission through the appropriate Standing Committee Chair.
  3. Standing Committees
    1. In addition to the Executive Committee and the Agenda Committee, there shall be six Standing committees selected with a chair from the Council membership. Term of service

shall be for a one-year membership. Each standing committee shall consist of members comprised from the Support Staff governing body. Each Committee shall elect its own officers consisting of a chair and recorder from its appointed members.

    1. Each Standing Committee shall prepare and submit minutes to the Support Staff Council. Failure to abide by the above provisions may result in committee dissolvement and the selection of a new committee by the Council President.
    2. Each Standing Committee shall submit in May an annual report to be incorporated in an annual report to be given to all support staff members.
    3. The six Standing Committees are as follows:
      1. Salary and Employee Benefits Committee
        1. It shall serve as an advisory body to the Council in reference to salary, merit raises, and employee benefits affecting employees represented by the Council.
        2. It shall review recommendations regarding adjustments to the salary and fringe benefit program for Support Staff Personnel as may be forwarded to the Council by University Administration or their appointed representative(s) and report its finding to the Council.
        3. It shall investigate and make recommendations regarding the possibility of implementing a uniform Support Staff evaluation form for determination of merit raises.
        4. It shall investigate and make recommendations for promotion policies for Support Staff.
      2. Employee Relations Committee
        1. It shall serve as an advisory body to the Council in reference to improvements in working relationships, working conditions, and the working environments for Support Staff employees.
        2. It shall investigate and promote professional development for all Support Staff employees.
      3. Public Relations Committee
        1. It shall facilitate and stimulate communication between Support Staff personnel an Council members by informing staff of activities, concerns, and meeting notices.
        2. It shall aid in the employee orientation process by welcoming and introducing new full-time Support Staff employees to the support services of Council and area representatives.
        3. It shall invite guest speakers to Council meetings to exchange information and common concerns.
        4. It shall promote positive recognition of Support Staff personnel.
      4. Election Committee
        1. It shall assume the responsibility for carrying out membership election and/or replacement as specified in Article IV.
        2. It shall convene the Council and conduct the election of officers at the first meeting of the Council year to be held in July.
      5. Research Committee
        1. It shall serve as an investigative body to find answers to questions brought before the Council, which are not applicable to a particular committee and assist other committees upon request.
        2. It shall formulate suggestions for amendments to the By-laws and submit to the Support Staff Council for review and approval as set forth in Article XI
      1. Scholarship Committee

It shall research and implement a process of fund raising to promote scholarship monies to be awarded to Support Staff employees, spouses, and dependents.

  1. Special Committees

Special committees may be appointed by the Council President as specific needs arise. The Council President may appoint persons outside Council membership to serve on any special committee.



  1. Regular Council Meetings

The regular meetings of the Council will be held during the afternoon on the third Thursday of each month from July through June. A quorum for transaction of business shall be fifty-one percent of the Council membership.

  1. Special Council Meetings

The Council President shall call special meetings of the Council when deemed necessary. A quorum for transaction of business shall be fifty-one percent of the Council membership

  1. Attendance at Meetings

Any non-member of the Council in attendance at a meeting who has not received prior permission of the officers of the Council to address the Council may be asked by the President to leave the meeting if such person attempts to address the Council or otherwise cause a disruption.


Council Year

The Council year shall be from July through June with regular monthly meetings scheduled from July through June.


Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this organization in al cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the By-laws.

Specific rules and procedures governing the conduct of the Council and its committees shall be contained in the Vincennes University Support Staff Council By-laws.


Amendments to the By-laws

Any member of the Council may propose an amendment to the By-laws by presenting it in writing at any regular meeting of the Council. The amendment shall be referred to the Research Committee for review and be presented to the Agenda Committee for action at the next regular meeting. The amendment shall be voted upon at two successive meetings and must be approved by two-thirds of the membership of the Council at each meeting. After approval by the Council, all amendments shall be presented to the Vincennes University President for review, then to the Vincennes University Board of Trustees for final approval.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees: December 22, 1993 Amendment approved by the Board of Trustees: July 2, 2003